On the First Day of Meandering . . .
Here We Go Round The Hanukkah Bush (sp.?)
On the first day of Meandering Wendy gave to me
A woodpecker in a live oak tree ~
On the second day of Meandering Wendy gave to me
Two toyon and a
On the third day of Meandering Wendy gave to me
Three chickadees
On the fourth day of Meandering Wendy gave to me
Four redtail hawks
On the fifth day of Meandering Wendy gave to me
Five gold finches
On the sixth day of Meandering Wendy gave to me
Six snakes a slithering
On the seventh day of Meandering Wendy gave to me Seven otters a playing
On the eighth day of Meandering Wendy gave to me
Eight milkmaids blooming
On the ninth day of Meandering Wendy gave to me
Nine ladybugs mating
On the tenth day of Meandering Wendy gave to me
Ten lizards leaping
On the eleventh day of Meandering Wendy gave to me
Eleven sandpipers piping
On the twelfth day of Meandering Wendy gave to me
Twelve bunnies thumping
Croakus Chorus 2004 Silvia Lange
The Meanderers
Over hill over dale we will hit the dusty frail
As the Meanderers go meandering along
Through the rain and through the sun aren't we having lots of fun?
As the Meanderers go meandering along
Through the sun and through the rain Oh, my god I've got a pain!
As the Meanderers go meandering along
So it 's Hi, hi, hee
Tell us Wendy what we see
Call out those names loud and strong
So where ere we go, you will always know
That the Meanderers are meandering along
Keep 'em moving!
The Meanderers are meandering along!
What's in a Name?
When first I heard this word I thought it simply was atrocious
The name for carbon dot lichen is equally ferocious
Pseudocyphellaria anthraspis.... gloriousus!
Meandering in Marin
Silvia Lange
Winter/Spring 2004/5
Rara Avis
Birds of a Feather Flock Together
Tune: Mockingbird Hill Lyrics: Silvia Lange & Wendy Dreskin
Oh it's up in the morning in sunshine or chill
We hike through Marin over valley and hill
We see lots of birdies; we hear their song too
But without our Wendy, we haven't a clue
Tra la la, twiddly dee dee it gives me a thrill
To wake up in the morning to the
To wake up in the morning to the
OLIVE-SIDED FLYCATCHER (what peeves you?)
To wake up in the morning to the
To wake up in the morning to the
To wake up in the morning to the
OAK TITMOUSE (sweet, sweet sweet, sweet)
And now big finish
Tra la la, twiddly dee dee it gives me a thrill
To wake up in the morning to the
ROUGH-WINGED SWALLOW (phut! phut phut! phut!!)
Meandering in Marin brings us peace and goodwill